Saturday, June 20, 2009


It has been on my mind to do this blog thing for quite awhile. So I figured since I have the summer wide open before me...nows as good a time as any.
I have just sent out my first book to my agent who will hopefully think it is ready to move on to a publisher.
If that happens it will mark the beginning of a whole new experience for me as a published author. I have been a writer my whole life but have never had the hardcopy to prove it so it will be a change.
The main thing about the book that I want to come from it though is healed hearts and many changed lives as pople come to know their Heavenly Father.
If you have an amazing earthly father you are extremely blessed. They are not the norm these days and many have suffered because of it.
The thing that makes me excited every morning that I wake up is that I know that those same people that are suffering now can become whole as they get to know Jesus.
I see God moving in many lives through many people, It is a beautiful thing to see people open there homes to those that have none, or move into a community to be where the need it, or give of their time and resources to feed the hungry, or evn a room full of people giving up a sunay afternoon to help put together crafts for the childrens ministry.
Anyway this season in my life is the Beginning of my talent being used for the Lord and I am excited and bless to be surrounded by the encouraging people that He has put in my life so thanks...told you it was random.

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